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Name: Omisha House of Petra

Family History: 

Her family is the Royal family in au Calcutta. 

They have been in power for 10 generations.

Both female and male ancestors have been in power, 7:3 ratio.

Each generation gives birth to a child and when the child turns 18, they become the ruler.

There has been an unexplained issue where the females, whether they are the ruler or the ruler's wife, only give birth once and are never able to conceive again.

Naresha, the first known queen, was part of an arranged marriage to an  unknown prince. However due to the fact that he tried to over power her, go against her families beliefs, treat everyone like filth, ruin the efficiency of how her family ran the country, and try to kill Naresha because she wanted to be his equal, she got "rid" of him. SO, she, with the blessing from her parents and her people, became the first sole Queen.
She was also the first to start the tradition of all the female Queen's of having a lover (usually their main male advisor) instead of having a husband.

As the years have gone by, the court began to become more diverse, in fashion, food, music, and company.

Naresha - Lord of men, ruler of men

Damayanti - To seduce, one who subdues men through womanly attributes: The Queen known to use her gender to defeat her male enemies...without sleeping with them.

Danish - To be clever, foreseeing, full of knowledge and wisdom : Son of Damayanti. He was taught by his parents and grandparents to respect and never underestimate anyone despite their gender, age or size

Kanta nickname Durga - Beautiful, desired, wanted/ unattainable : Of course all the women were stunning but some men desired one more than the other, for some odd reason. But she was short with anyone who was interested expect her lover.

Himanth Raj - Intelligent : Son of Kanta, the one who was known for his extensive knowledge of reading people and finding their weakness/desires.

Malka - Queen : Adored daughter of Himanth, she was the kind and gentle Queen whose main focus was to personally help her people, by visiting them, working along side them, and hearing about their lives.

Saadri - Chief or leader or judge : Unlike her mother, Saadri had a more bloody reign. No she wasn't a heartless Queen, more like one who took serious matters and personally dealt with them, to show who was in charge and why they shouldn't mess with her family. 

Jaisri - Honour of victory : Like mother, like daughter. A resistance is starting to rise, made up of men who are tired of countless Queens.  However Jaisri reminds them why they should be respectful.

Tahmonash (Omisha's Father) - Destroyer of ignorance : Resistance is once again rising but this time for power, propelled by greed. He has already sacked majority of them. The last batch of ministers are waiting for his daughter to come to power, hoping for an easier target. Tahmonash only wishes that his daughter wasn't turning 18. A storm is waiting for his daughter.

Omisha - Goddess of birth and death : Freshly crowned with dried blood under her nails, the battle has already begun. She will show them why she was named after the goddess of birth and death.